The politics and economy of time point two, simplified

[The Balance of Souls]

To start, here is that half a paragraph from the main setting descript:

There are still humans elected to the top positions of government, but they bicker for almost laughably absurd proportions of their days, to the point that infrastructure improvements, public mental hygiene programs, and other programs someone decided a human should sign off on (to prevent negligence and apathy, supposedly) are either grossly neglected or randomly excessively extravagant. For example, there exists a park with silver orbs for a waterfall, an artificial purple sky, and blue grass. However, the crumbling parking lot outside is riddled with weeds and potholes. The majority of the populace considers their government a running joke, and is actually grateful to give technology more power over their lives.

The main government is meant to function like how the US federal government relates to the states, except over the entire world. The World Executive is elected by the world populace (I say populace because this is not taken anywhere near as seriously as it is today โ€“ the occasional intelligent monkey, cat, orangutan, or dog is known to vote), along with a vice executive and several advisors. The legislative is comprised of two elected representatives of every former country (and certain select localities such as Catalonia, Kurdistan, the American South, and Scotland). The highest level judicial system is the World Court, essentially what used to be the UN. Former countries and select localities function like states, except each with their own preferred form of government. To see how this new government was formed, see the link off the main world descript pertaining to WW3. Fortunately, technology has advanced enough that the issues and arguments of government no longer impact the average person (at least not as often as in the real world). There are no more taxes (see following). I have left out names and certain specifics to allow for some fun ideas in future stories. (Minor disclaimer: yes, I understand that most politicians in the real world are genuinely trying to do their best. I just want the potential to poke fun at an absurdly-exaggerated concept.)

Now for the economy. The means of production in this time point have advanced far enough that humans (for the most part) no longer need to work. Technology will cover all of their basic needs. In fact, too many people trying to work is actually seen as a hindrance due to the frequency of human error. Any humans that do still work do so because they idealistically want to. Scientists and inventors are more common than in our modern day, and they have free access to information and resources. Certain limited resources (such as radioactive materials) are distributed based on decision by a panel voted for by people who choose to work in the particular field. This is a profound cultural shift. Although, unlike star trek, humans do not claim to work to better themselves, although a character may still hear that on occasion. Instead, humans are free to pursue their interests and passions if pursuit interests them. On the other hand, if a human wants to lie around all day and watch movies, that is still considered acceptable (since a humanโ€™s worth is no longer measured by their productivity).

A person who wants to run, for example, a hotel or candy store can still go run one. However, official ownership of major property (such as stores, hotels, factories, and land) has been abolished. If no person in an area wants to run a hotel, bots (and their corresponding AIs) will do it automatically. In Victim, Mica and Rina enter a candy store. The woman who helps run it is elderly (Mica estimates her age at late eighties), but she tells them that the little place is their passion. She legitimately wants to run a candy store, and is therefore given that opportunity. Without a person running it, there could still be candy store in the area, but it would be run by bots and mechanical servers. This type of economy is actually much more efficient at this level of technology and generates a lot less waste. The majority of energy is either solar, tidal, wind, or acquired via a self-recharging power source (all smaller and drastically more efficient).

Although the military does technically still exist, it functions more like a combination between law enforcement and an emergency rapid response team (for in the event of a hurricane, for example). By this time point, it is already called the military police. Troopers are special officers of the military police; theyโ€™re trained to be the elite line of defense (in case of terrorism or armed conflict, for example).

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